About Us

About us
ACICA is an autonomous and voluntary non-profit making organization as defined in the Voluntary Organisations Act (Chapter 492 of the Laws of Malta).
The main purpose of this Foundation/Organisation is to promote and facilitate the holistic education and support of children living in care within Maltese children’s homes.
We aim to reach out to these children through the provision of various creative opportunities whilst supporting their caregivers in the achievement of this goal. Children, adolescents, and young adults are in this way encouraged to believe in themselves and helped to flourish. By increasing community awareness of their needs, the organisation aims to promote their integration within society whilst helping them grow into independent and fulfilled adults.

The Scope of this Foundation/Organisation is:
- To sustain the development and the well-being of children in care in Maltese Children’s homes;
- To seek and promote on a national and international level, the participation of the Organisation;
- To sponsor and exploit extracurricular activities for children in care such as music, arts, sports, etc.
- To raise society’s awareness of difficulties and the needs of these children even at a very tender age
- To promote and present the interests of the Organisation’s members to the notice of local administration and authorities, international Organisations, and other authorities;
- To raise funds by means of subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the organisation in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorized by the Executive Committee;
- To form part of any national/international Organisation/s whose aims are similar to that of the Organisation;
- To do all that which is ancillary, incidental, or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.
In a nutshell, we identify children in care as having some kind of talent that can’t be developed unless there is extra help and we raise funds in order to supplement the Homes where they are given care or to help the children directly so that they will be able to develop their talent and to engage in activities outside the boundaries of the Home.
ACICA also sponsors therapy sessions for those kids that would require such help in order to be brought, as much as possible, at par with their peers.

Founder’s Message
It all started some years ago, while I was doing some voluntary work with children living in a particular Children’s home. During such time, I noted that although these children were receiving a lot of love and care from the people who look after them, they still had a lot to deal with.
One day I decided to start taking some of the boys to football lessons ….they enjoyed it so much that together with the help of a friend ballet lessons were also introduced for the girls. Soon I realised that such activities were bringing some sunshine to these kids and that their behavior and moods were changing. However, it was not possible to cater for all kids in care on my own.
This is how this association kicked off. Together with the help of some friends ACICA (Assistance to Children in Care Association) VO 0871 was founded and registered with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations in October 2013 with the aim to sponsor as many children in care as possible.
Throughout these years, it has been noted that extracurricular activities as well as any other support such as psychotherapy help these children to believe in themselves and develop into independent adults.
In view of all this progress, ACICA encourages all of you to join us and to send us your feedback and comments.
With your help, we will be able to full fill ACICA’s mission and assist these children to develop into independent adults.
Sharon Micallef
Founder – ACICA (VO 0871)

Get in touch
Whether you need to contact us for information or you want to tell us how you can help us with services, donations,s or any other form, we are eager to hear from you. Please use this form and we will be contacting you back. Thank you!